Submission Guidelines (Print Ads):
- All ads must be 4-color CMYK with process colors only. For file types, see below.
- If running a 2-color ad, one color must be Process Black (K) and the other must be a Process Pantone color.
- Arrangements can be made especially for the use of spot/PMS colors, but a special fee will be added.
- If running a Black & White ad, all images and type must be either grayscale or black.
- Embed all fonts or outline all text.
- Make sure there is no RGB, PMS/Spot or Indexed Color used on image or type.
- 2-Page Spread Non-Bleed Ads must have Live Matter 0.125˝ away from the gutter.
Submitting Advertising Materials (Print Ads):
When submitting advertising materials, please submit a Press-ready or X-1a or Press-quality PDF with crop & bleed marks. Two-page Spread ads may be submitted as one PDF or as two individual page PDF’s. You can submit your files in one of three ways: email, FTP or ship on CD of DVD.
E-mail Submission (Print and Electronic Media):
E-mail your files to both Michael Archuleta at and to your advertising sales representative. In the body of the email make sure to include the advertiser name, the issues that it will run in, contact name & telephone number. There is a 6 mb limit on e-mail submissions.
Submission via FTP (Print and Electronic Media):
Username: product
Password: (contact us for your password)
All files should be zipped or compressed prior to transfer. Also, make sure your filename doesn’t have any spaces or special characters. When naming your file, use only letters of the alphabet or numbers. Do not use any grammatical symbols with the exception of an underscore (use underscores instead of spaces).
Once your file has been successfully transferred, please email both Michael Archuleta at and your advertising sales representative. In the email please include the advertiser name, the issues that it will run in, contact name & telephone number, the name of the file(s) and transfer time/date.
If you have any questions or concerns about these ad specifications please call Michael Archuleta at 646-837-5951.