Powersports Finance Data Plus Terms & Conditions


Data Plus Terms & Conditions 

The following product has been prepared by Powersports Finance (PSF), a Royal Media venture, and is conveyed to you for a fixed fee with the understanding that the material contained herein may be used for internal analysis and business planning purposes only. Such use may be made without restriction, assuming full attribution is given to Powersports Finance Data Plus.

Regarding other uses, the following restrictions apply:

  1. If the purchaser of this report uses the data in a subsequent analysis for which he or his company is shown as the source, all charts and data must be reproduced as they appear in this analysis with full attribution to “Powersports Finance Data Plus.”
  2. PSF must be informed of your intentions to use this data before it is reproduced, published or otherwise disseminated.
  3. If the purchaser of this report interprets the data himself, changes the nature of the recommendations contained herein, or in any way alters the recommendations, charts or other ideas contained herein, the purchaser must notify PSF that such action is planned and receive written approval for the use of the material in the purchaser’s format and provide full attribution to PSF.
  4. Any other use of this intellectual property will result in legal action by PSF to recover damages resulting from the unauthorized usage undertaken by the purchaser, plus all legal fees and expenses incurred by PSF in defending PSF’s property rights as they pertain to this report.
  5. Under all circumstances, any use outside of the purchaser’s immediate organization, including reproduction and sharing of any portion or the complete report, must be requested in writing to PSF before permission for this usage will be granted. There will be no exceptions.

Preparation of this quarterly report benefits from the contributions of participants throughout the powersports finance industry. PSF welcomes comments, inquiries, and information from readers of this report.

Disclaimer & Safe Harbor Notice

This report includes forward-looking statements. Because such statements deal with future events, they are subject to various risks and uncertainties, and as such, actual results could differ materially from PSF’s current expectations. Forward-looking statements are identified by words such as “forecasts,” “foresees,” “anticipates,” “projects,” “expects,” “believes,” “estimates,” “targets,” and other similar expressions that indicate trends and future events.

The analysis and conclusions in this report are provided “as is.” We do not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee that the use of guidance in the report will lead to any particular outcome or result. In no event shall PSF or Royal Media be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages, however, caused, and on any theory of liability arising in any way from the use of this report.